• The pilot project, to be presented in June and led by Mesura, an association which collects and analyses data of different social initiatives, studies the impact of launching a pay-per-use system in the city of Valencia, aimed at reducing traffic and making the city carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Abertis Mobility Services (AMS), Abertis Group’s Competency centre operating through Emovis, will provide the technological solutions required for the project, drawing from Emovis’ extensive experience leading similar projects in more than 10 countries.
  • The Ecopeaje project looks at designing an inclusive model of urban mobility regulation to facilitate implementing the proposed scheme and setting up a fee structure based on five criteria: functional diversity, large family, autonomous, electric vehicles and residents.


Abertis Mobility Services (AMS), one of the world’s leading providers in smart mobility solutions and services that regulate the use of electronic tolling in urban and interurban infrastructures part of Abertis Group. will provide the technological solutions to Ecopeaje, a pilot urban mobility project for the city of Valencia. Led by Mesura, an association which collects and analyses data of different social initiatives, the project will analyse different ways of how to deploy an urban tolling system aimed at improving the air quality of the city and, therefore, have a positive impact on the health of Valencia’s citizens.

To this end, the Mesura association, the Valencia City Council and AMS, will be working on designing an inclusive model of urban mobility regulation to facilitate implementing the scheme and setting up a fee structure based on five criteria: functional diversity, large family, self-employed, electric vehicles and residents. The pilot project, to be launched in June, could take into consideration the specific situations of individual and collectives such as the type of vehicles driven, people’s working shifts, or people with disabilities, to establish a comprehensive fee structure.


Abertis Mobility Services, a world leader in mobility and intelligent traffic management

Abertis Mobility Services (AMS) has developed a cloud solution for intelligent traffic management through pay-per-use and pay-per-pollution, which is based on satellite technology and the connected vehicle. Currently, this solution has been implemented in the United States, specifically in the interurban environment of the states of Oregon and Utah, and soon in Virginia. Thanks to the company’s leadership and extensive experience in this field, the firm is currently developing new technology and solutions applicable to

urban environments to promote the transformation of cities into healthy, sustainable and connected spaces. Technology plays a key role in implementing innovative systems to encourage a greater use of more efficient and healthier urban transport, among other advantages.

Valencia is one of the 100 cities in Europe that has set to become carbon neutral by 2030. Ecopeaje is one of the initiatives included in the ‘Missions València 2030’ project, a plan with the objective of making Valencia a healthier, more sustainable, and connected city improving people’s quality of life.

Recently, the city of Valencia has been selected as one of the 100 European cities that will work to become climate neutral by 2030. This is an ambitious target which requires strong and ambitious measures to achieve it. Currently, more than 50% of the emissions emitted within the city come from transport and therefore, drastically reducing the use of private vehicles, both combustion and electric, is one of the most effective solutions. This will improve air quality and prioritize space in the city for pedestrians, sustainable public transport, bicycles and scooters.

The implementation of this system is part of the guidelines set out in the state law on Climate Change for the 149 Spanish cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants that, as of 2023, must be implemented to discourage the entry of cars in polluted or congested areas.

Christian Barrientos, CEO of Abertis Mobility Services (AMS), explains, “according to data from the United Nations and the World Bank, 60% of the world’s population will live in cities in 2030 and by 2050, it will be 70%, which implies that between 1,000 and 1. 500 million people in the world will be incorporated into cities and it is expected that the volume of cars will more than double compared to the current one.”


About the Mesura Association and the Ecopeaje of Valencia

The Mesura Association brings together professionals and entities of different types with the purpose of joining efforts involving professionals from different technical specialties in the collection and use of data in the service of social transformation initiatives. The purpose of Mesura is to build a space for exchange and technical collaboration aimed at improving the environment.

One of the initiatives it is working on is the Ecopeaje of Valencia, which is studying different scenarios for the implementation of the urban toll system to achieve better air quality and health for its citizens.