Ethical channel

Ethical behaviour

The Emovis Group is fully committed to the highest ethical standards and compliance with all regulations that apply to relations with its employees (regardless of professional category) and stakeholders in all the activities it undertakes.

Emovis has a Code of Ethics that is applicable to all Group companies. Furthermore, each Group company shall implement a Local Codes of Ethics, designed to comply with laws and customs applicable to each.

The Emovis Group’s Code of Ethics attached is shaped by the French regulations and aims to provide guidance on conduct that the French Criminal Code attributes not only to physical persons but also to companies.


Information Channel

The Code of Ethics of the Emovis Group has created information channels for all employees and stakeholders in the Emovis Group so they may:

  • Make inquiries regarding doubts about the interpretation of this Code of Ethics, its Local Codes of Ethics, as well as applicable laws and internal regulations.
  • Report noncompliance with this Code of Ethics, its Local Codes of Ethics as well as applicable laws and internal regulations.

All inquiries or reports of noncompliance will be answered and resolved. However, no anonymous queries relating to sensitive information will be answered. Anonymous reports of noncompliance will only be investigated if all the necessary information is included and if said reports are made in good faith, selflessly and made by a person who has a personal knowledge of the facts disclosed.

The information channels that have been established are the following:

    •  Compliance Department, Emovis SAS. Ref. Emovis Ethics Channel. 86 rue Henry Farman, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, or
    • Emovis Group Ethics and Criminal Prevention Committees, 86 rue Henry Farman, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.

The Code of Ethics of the Emovis Group guarantees that there will be no retaliation for any queries/reports of noncompliance made ​​in a selflessly way and in good faith by someone who has known the alleged facts personally.

In Emovis SAS, the management and treatment of inquiries and noncompliance reports are complemented by the Loi Sapin II regulation.


Related documents:

Code of Ethics

Ethics Committee Policy

UK Modern Slavery Statement